Hit Immobile Object

Hit Immobile Object Blueprint Overview

Hit Immobile Object is a classification of incident that is often the most common entry on a fleet claims listing. These incidents are often not costly but it can often be the frequency of them that’s the problem. Depending on how your insurance programme is structured, the cost of these incidents could fall below your insurance policy excess so repair costs are borne by your business and not your insurer. Reducing the frequency of these incidents can make a significant improvement to a claims history plus bring significant cost savings to your business. Normally Hit Immobile Object incidents are completely preventable and once the causes are tackled your fleet costs will see a reduction.

Letter for Employees

Sometimes employees just do not know that there is an issue with a deteriorating claims history. By writing to each employee telling them that a fleet safety programme is being planned will give them an idea of what to expect and can be a great first step in awareness raising.

Driver Distraction Policy – Mobile Devices

Distracted driving due to phones, eating, drinking etc. is a significant causation factor in collisions and needs to be managed in a robust manner. Your driver distraction policy is an important part of your fleet risk management documentation.

Reversing Assistant Policy

Reversing is a common manoeuvre that accounts for many vehicle collisions and unfortunately fatal accidents too. Having a reversing assistant or bandsman to help a driver reverse a vehicle safely can be a good idea as long as the reversing assistant isn’t put at risk of being struck by the vehicle. The driver needs to remember to only move the vehicle back when the reversing assistant can be seen in the mirror and the assistant needs to be trained in this procedure too. A formal policy on the use of reversing assistants is a good idea as it communicates your expectations on how this high risk procedure should be undertaken.

Fatigue Management Policy

Fatigue is a significant contributor to collisions and as future use of smartphones increases with 5G, we may all be losing even more sleep. Your fatigue management policy is another important document for your business.

Stress Management Policy

Studies show that stress in the workplace is on the increase. Stress symptoms are conducive to more aggressive driving and therefore increased risk of vehicle collisions. A proactive approach to managing stress is therefore invaluable and we have a template policy to help you develop your approach.

Driver Competence Assessment

When employing an individual who will spend most of their time driving on your behalf, a driver competence assessment should form part of the recruitment process. We include a form for recording the assessment here. We recommend that the assessment is carried out by an individual who has been trained to carry out assessments.

Driver Risk Profiling

On line driver profiling sessions can give an effective risk assessment of a particular employee. You can try a leading driver profiling service as a Fleet Safety Academy member. We provide further details here.

Vehicle Technology and Telematics Policy

Using telematics and camera systems to help manage driver performance can be really effective but first employees need to be consulted with the agreed approach communicated to all relevant persons in a policy document. We provide an example here.

Supervisors Camera Footage Assessment of Driver Behaviour Record Form

Camera systems are increasingly being fitted to vehicles and they provide invaluable data for use in collision investigations. However, using camera footage proactively to monitor driver behaviour is an effective tool in the armoury of the manager. This form gives a template on which to record observations when watching camera footage.

Fatigue Risk Assessment

Fatigue is a contributor to hit immobile object collisions. Completing a fatigue risk assessment on those employees involved in hit immobile object collision will help reduce the risk of these collisions recurring.

Stress Risk Assessment Template

We have provided a stress management policy in an earlier stage of the programme. We’ve already noted that stress symptoms can have a significant impact on driving performance. Completing a stress risk assessment will allow your organisation to gauge where stress may be generated and what actions should be taken to reduce stress levels. We provide a template document to assist in the thought process.

Spatial Awareness Assessment Form

Slow speed manoeuvring is an activity that gives rise to many collisions. This document can be used to record training and assessment in slow speed manoeuvring techniques.

New Site Pre Delivery Questionnaire

Collisions often occur at the end of a journey when your driver has reached their point of delivery or pick up. This document gives a template to help assess the point of delivery or pick up that is often on a third parties site.

Driver Improvement Process

Introducing a consequence for poor driving performance is a vital part of a collision prevention programme. This document provides a suggested approach to using the resources in the Academy to educate drivers and so prevent a recurring collision. The improvement approach can be applied to those drivers who are having avoidable collisions or those drivers whose poor driving standards are being flagged up by in vehicle technology.

Letter Requiring Driving Performance Improvement

Many drivers see no consequences for poor performance. This letter can be used as a template for a manager to take tangible action in writing to an employee and requiring an improvement in driving standards.

Education Exercises For Drivers - Hit Immobile Object Collisions

A cost effective consequence for poor driving performance can be the requirement of an employee to answer a set of questions on driving standards. The questions can involve the employee reviewing documentation in your collision prevention programme. It’s a method of instructing an employee and increasing their understanding of your company procedures. We include here a sample question set to be used with an employee who has been involved in a hit immobile object collision.

Vehicle Manoeuvring Toolbox Talk

Delivering this toolbox talk to an individual who has been involved in a hit immobile object collision can be an effective and cost efficient intervention.

How to Stay Focused Whilst Driving Toolbox Talk

Distraction can take many forms and is a key contributor to collisions so this toolbox talk gives tips on how to stay focused on driving activities.

12 Tips For A Better Nights Sleep Toolbox Talk

The World Health Organisation clearly stipulates that an individual needs an average of 8 hours sleep a night. The problem is that in western countries like the UK, the amount of sleep we get is reducing dramatically. This has resulted in the World Health Organisation declaring a sleep loss epidemic.

The populations of western countries that are seeing a dramatic decrease in sleep are seeing increased rates of physical and mental illness. If you sleep less than six or seven hours a night on a regular basis you can double your risk of cancer. Blood sugar levels are also affected by reductions in sleep and this can move you through to a pre diabetic stage. Lack of sleep also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, anxiety and depression.

We normally think that diet and exercise are the two key issues to consider when we want to improve our health. However, research is indicating the sleep is a bigger issue than both these factors. Improving our sleep will improve our health and crucially reduce fatigue and keep us more alert when we are behind the wheel. Here are 12 useful tips to improve the quality of your sleep. We have provided more detailed toolbox talks on some areas of fatigue management but this toolbox talk provides a useful summary of best practice.

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