Effective Training for Fleet and Driver Safety

Effective Training for Fleet and Driver Safety

The provision of effective training can be a key aspect of improving risk management and improving driver performance. However, the training has to be effective! One of the key aspects of driver and fleet safety training that is sometimes overlooked, is repetition.

Repetition is the key element of a training programme that will get your employees following safe systems of work efficiently and effectively. To become competent and then good at anything, we all need practice and repetition. Training also gets all employees in the business understanding what is required of them and working in the same direction. Ultimately, it helps develop a positive safety culture within the business.

A one off training event is better than no training, and it’s not every business that provides refresher training unless there is a formal requirement to do so. Even refresher training is normally provided on an annual basis at best. If the training is not repeated in a short time your employees gain a lot of information but without the repetition, they will forget most of that information.

If driver training is repeated through a rolling programme, the content is reinforced and this results in a much improved retention of information by the trainee.  By repeating the provision of the information in a timely manner the amount of information forgotten by the trainee is reduced after each training session. Another advantage of regular training activity will be plenty of records to assist in managing any potential claims and prosecutions. We are not necessarily talking about face to face driver training, there are plenty of e learning platforms available with a wide range of driving related training modules.

A practical way of repeating an initial training session would be to go back to the trainee shortly after the original training, undertake a review of trainee competence and reiterate some of the key points from the training process. Ideally this should be carried out and recorded using a template that outlines issues to be checked by the trainer. Reminders of the content should be provided on less frequent occasions for easy tasks, e.g. toolbox talks. However, for more high-risk driving activities e.g. access to client sites with restricted space, the frequency of reminders should be increased. If these occasions are recorded as having occurred, with a record from the trainee also being retained, not only will your employees’ be more likely to follow safe systems of work but your ability to defend prosecutions will improve too.

For more details call 0333 567 2003



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