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Many electric vehicles (EVs) are priced at a premium due to the manufacturing costs being higher than traditional vehicles. They have keyless entry as standard which enables drivers to unlock their vehicle without needing to press any buttons on the fob, as long as the fob is within range of your vehicle it will open.
Thieves are increasingly looking for ways to exploit keyless entry and steal vehicles. The Police report that it takes less than two minutes for a car to be stolen. In 2019 a vehicle was stolen every five minutes in the UK with most of these thefts by keyless entry
Electric and hybrid vehicles require less maintenance than petrol and diesel vehicles and are more reliable so they don’t need as many repairs. The drive train for an electric vehicle only has around 20 parts and maintenance costs are lower than traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. Nevertheless, a vehicle condition check still needs to be undertaken when a vehicle is being used for work purposes.
This toolbox talk aims to remind drivers about the common hazards of electric vehicles in relation to charging cable management, acceleration etc.
Electric vehicles can introduce a new distraction hazard in relation to range anxiety and also provide a futuristic dashboard display that could be distracting to many.
Charging and range anxiety are two of the key issues that electric vehicle drivers need to gain familiarity and confidence with. This toolbox talk gives some tips on how to manage these issues.
This toolbox talk provides details on vehicle autonomy and advances in vehicle technology.
This toolbox talk provides employees with guidance on electric vehicles and battery safety.
This toolbox talk has been written to provide electric vehicle drivers some basic content on electric vehicle familiarisation.
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