Your Free Toolbox Talks Toolkit

Documents and templates you need in editable and downloadable format

We are giving you FREE access to some of the TOOLBOX TALKS available on the site to show you how EASY it is to use the Academy.

driving in wet conditions

Driving in Wet Conditions Toolbox Talk


driving near schools

Driving Near Schools & Colleges Toolbox Talk


drug driving

Drug Driving Toolbox Talk


driver selection

How to Stay Focused Whilst Driving Toolbox Talk


How to use your free toolkit…

Increasing the level of communication between managers and your drivers will help prevent collisions. Download and use these toolbox talks to ramp up the dialogue with your drivers and remind them that keeping your vehicles in one piece is a priority for your business.

download shield

Simply download the toolbox talk documents from this page

intergrate shield

Quickly integrate the toolbox talks into your training programme and conversations with drivers

improve shiled

Improve employee awareness of driving best practice, reduce the number of vehicle collisions, save money and see your claims reduce

watch this arrow2

Toolbox Talk Introduction

Fill in your details below to receive FREE ACCESS to the Toolbox Talks Toolkit inside The Fleet Safety Academy today.

We will collect, use and protect your data in accordance with our privacy policy.

"Refresher training and reminders that have benefitted our drivers"

We have used the readily available information to provide refresher training and reminders that have benefitted our drivers. We have seen a positive reduction in claims...
Hayley Norman
Hayley Norman
Manager, RMS Goole Ltd

"It's covered every bit of information I needed to know"

With all the templates and toolbox talks etc. I can just edit them straight away and pop them on to our shared drive immediately for everyone to access.
Jessica Price
Fleet & Risk Coordinator, Bruntwood

"It’s been fantastic..."

I’ve used it to develop my own internal toolbox talks that I’ve delivered to drivers. It’s been fantastic, thank you!
Jacob Telemacque
Fleet Manager, King Security Systems Ltd